TO understand the Biblical term for “Antichrist” we must find a biblical definition of Antichrist.

The word “Antichrist” appears ONLY in John’s epistles (1st John 2:18 , 22 ; 4:3 ; m 2nd John 7 ).

It is NOT even found in the book of revelation.
What is taught in these verses defines the whole New Testament teaching of Antichrist.

John’s understanding of Antichrist is altogether different from the modern teaching on it.

Let take a look at the verse one by one for who an antichrist is….

Who is a liar?
Anyone “who denies that Jesus is the Christ” (1st John 2:22).

Anyone who “denies the Father and Son” (1st John 2:23).
“Every spirit that does not confess Jesus” (1st John 4:3 ).


“Those who do NOT acknowledge Jesus Christ as COMING in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist” (2nd John 7).


From the above verse.
None of what John writes relates to the MODERN doctrine of the Antichrist as previously stated.
John’s Antichrist doctrine is a theological concept related to an apostasy that was developing IN HIS DAY(generation). (Like many Jews rejecting Jesus as the messiah)
John did not have a particular individual in mind but rather individuals(Jews) who taught that Jesus Christ is not who the scriptures says He is. Even Jesus used the scriptures to reveal himself.
(We have many of such doctrines around now)

In one word, “Antichrist” meant for John just denial of what we should call the doctrine in God in flesh, or let us rather say the fact, of the Incarnation.

By whatever process it had been brought about, “Christ” had come to denote for John the Divine Nature of our Lord, and so far to be synonymous with “Son of God.”

There are many “christian” doctrine that rejects the divinity of Jesus. They claim to believe in JESUS but upon further questioning you see how they rejects the deity of Jesus.
Let me say it, been “antichrist” does mean you are a demon or a devil”. More or less, Belittling the works of Jesus.

Many believe not that He is GOD. That is anti Christ.

Paul epistle to Timothy says…

Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: God appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory. (1 Timothy

Anti Christ is system that rejects the gospel of Jesus, Christ, the Godhead and his divinity or incarnation.

Don’t look around for a world ruler. They’re already among you. The are many evil men. Who do things not out of love. Who have Been deceived with
many wrong teachings. (This has got nothing to do with salvation)

Jesus reigns!